The Way of the Househusband is back and once again proving that you don’t need amazing animation to have a great time watching an anime. Part 2 is just as good as the first one and seamlessly continues the story. The humor is spot-on, and the characters are just as quirky and fun.
The 2nd part of The Way of the Househusband premiered on October 7 on Netflix and offers 5 new episodes. However, keep in mind that Netflix didn’t split them, so the first new episode is actually episode 6. Following the recipe from season 1, each episode is around 18 minutes long. The opening and ending themes are also the same. Uchikubi Gokumon Doukoukai‘s “Shufu no Michi” is the opening and “Kiwami meoto kaido” is the ED. Those who haven’t seen the first season when it premiered won’t even realize there were two separate parts.
If you’re still on the edge about watching The Way of the Househusband, take a look at the various aspects of the anime and decide.
Production Quality
J.C. Staff returned to animate The Way of the Househusband 2, and it’s pretty much identical to the first season. There’s no fancy animation, not a lot of movement either, most scenes look like colored manga panels. But, even with all that said, they still managed to capture the charm of the story. The movement, when present, accentuates the comedy and makes for more impactful scenes. Tatsu’s faces are just as savage as before, and they really help with conveying the message.
The voice acting, however, carries this anime. Kenjiro Tsuda sounds like he’s having a lot of fun while voicing Tatsu and the rest of the cast aren’t far behind. Honestly, the anime is worth watching just for their reactions and Tsuda’s over-the-top cooking instructions.
Part 2 continued with the short gag segments. Each segment is about a different topic, although we saw the continuation of Gin’s adventures. Everything you could think a househusband would deal with on a daily basis, this season covered.
We went from Tatsu teaching his expat neighbor to barbecue to hunting down rare Policure cards, doing summer school projects, and dressing up for a Halloween contest. This season also gave us a bit more time with Miku, who apparently takes after her father when it comes to cooking.
Funny situations, misunderstandings, and daily routines were all a part of the story. More screen-time was also given to Tatsu and Miku’s relationship, and that was quite heartwarming in a way. Obviously, we knew they worked well together but the new episodes take it up a notch.
The Way of the Househusband is definitely not one of those shows you will rave about because it looks amazing, but it does offer a fun story. Short run-time and episodic content make it even easier to watch, and it’s just a really good pick when you want to laugh and decompress. The characters are loveable, and Tsuda’s voice acting is just spot on.
Where to watch The Way of the Househusband anime?
So if you’re finished with binging Squid Game, maybe choose The Way of the Househusband as your next Netflix watch. In addition to the anime, there is also a live-action special, starring no one other than Kenjiro Tsuda himself.
Watch the full trailer for The Way of the Househusband Part 2 below:
You can watch The Way of the Househusband 2 on Netflix.
© Kousuke Oono / Shinchosha © Netflix
The Way of the Househusband 2 – Kenjiro Tsuda Shines as Tatsu
Source: Cebu Otaku