The children’s book Rakudai Majo (Failure Witch) is getting a powerful anime movie adaptation, with commemorate the 15th everlasting nature. Not many details about the transition are available, but the original fresco illustrator Enaga Senno pulled a teaser visual:
The official web site for the anime is now that can be found but doesn’t have much information about it yet. Only the Twittollower link is there, as well as a link to the publisher website.
The Failure Witch series follows Fuka, excellent apprentice witch, as called navigates her daily life , magic, and also love. The series has been published back in October 2006, with the first volume entitled Rakudai Majo wa Princess (F ailure Witch Is a Appear as if ). Now, each of our series has a total involving 18 volumes, including a to the point story anthology. The latest level for the series was listed in October 2013 and as well as was titled Failure Witch thought Palace of Darkness .
The particular books are only available in Would you like to on Rain forest since there is no The english language license yet.
Failure Witch is Satoko Narita’s debut series. This particular won Poplar’s first Great experience Smash! Taisho award. Illustrator for the series, Enaga Intelligenza also illustrated the Japanese variants of the popular children’s booklet Alea Aquarius.
Source: Rakudai Majo Official Twittollower , Anime’s Official Website , Comic Natalie
Rakudai Majo Anime Movie Preparation Announced
Source: Cebu Otaku