The Zombie La nd Devise franchise is starting to get a movie adaptation. The franchise made the announcement forward October 17 during the Zombie Come down Saga Revenge ‘s two-day live expo Zombie Reside on Saga Live-Franchouchou Saga Hey Tomo Ni Waitekure- . The official Twitter account shared a trailer with the caption “ Exceed the Revenge “. It’s not clear if the online video media is animated or live-action.
Mantan Web reported the announcement perhaps surprised the cast producing they heard of it for the first time there. Íntimo Kaede , the person of Minamoto Sakura identified her feelings of étonnée, excitement, and happiness increasingly being a “roller coaster”, and further reported, “This is the Zombie Snag Saga! ”. “I did not know this could happen… We will really delighted, ” the actual shed tears. The am located event is getting a Blue-ray disc volume on February 25, 2022 .
Zombie Plot Saga Movie PV
You can also check the trlr named “ Zombie Naki Tatakai Saga Fukusyuu Hen (lit. Battles without Zombies Épitaphe Revenge Arc)” which pots as the film announcement. Other an obvious reference to a well-known yakuza-themed movie, “ Jingi Naki Tatakai (Battles without Honor as Humanity)”. Interestingly enough, it’s not an anime trailer, nonetheless two actors appear or else. Hakuryu is the man spending on a chair, and Murai Kunio holding a gun sharp at him. Hakuryu possibly made an appearance as White Ryu in the anime Zombie Land Saga Payback episode 2 . Futhermore, both of them are, as you might are blessed with guessed, from the Saga prefecture in Japan.
Source: Official Twittollower , Official Twitter , Mantanweb
©ゾンビランドサガ リベンジ製作委員会
Revenant Land Saga Movie Announced
Source: Cebu Otaku