Seven Seas said on Wednesday that it displays licensed The Idaten Deities Only Know Tranquility manga created by Amahara to coolkyousinnjya. The first English level of the series will be released in April 2022.
The Idaten Deities manga is ongoing and currently has five volumes out in Japan. MAPPA’s latest series aired on the summer of this year and received an overall positive reception. The action-seinen series gave fans some epic moments throughout and ended up placing 13th out of 39 anime in our ‘ 2021 Summer Anime of the Season ‘ poll. Luckily, you can catch up on season one for the time being.
With incredible animations and a booming soundtrack, Idaten Deities is definitely a series many overlooked when it first released. With the English version of the manga on its way, hopefully, it will encourage some to watch the series. All episodes for the series are currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
You can watch a trailer for it down below:
With projects such as Chainsaw Man , Attack on Titan , Jujutsu Kaisen , and MAPPA’s first anime original movie, ‘Alice and Therese’s Illusion Factory’, on the way, no announcement for Idaten Deities season two has been released currently.
Idaten Deities Synopsis
It’s been 400 years since the powerful Idaten deities sealed away the demons who plagued humanity. To the foul-mouthed Hayato, a young deity, the story is mostly a myth. For this new generation of idle deities, there’s just not much to do as they watch over humans in peace. But when the seal on the demons breaks, it’s up to Hayato and his oddball compatriots to come to humanity’s rescue! Can these misfit gods who know nothing of war rise to the challenge, or is a demon threat in a messy mortal world too much to handle?
Pictures via Crunchyroll
© 天原・クール教信者・白泉社 /「平穏世代の韋駄天達」製作委員会
Basic steps Seas Licenses ‘Idaten Deities’ Manga, Release Date Televised
Source: Cebu Otaku