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Mushoku Tensei Episode 16 Preview Released

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation preview images for episode 16 are out! The story continues after Rudy, Eris and Ruijerd left the Doldia village and said their goodbyes. It’s time for their journey to move on, and the next destination is Millishion, the capital of the Holy Country of Millis. Check the images out on the official Twitter account for the franchise:

10/31(日) 放送 #無職転生 第16話「親子げんか」の先行カット&あらすじアップ!
ルディたちはミリス神聖国の首都・ミリシオンにたどり着く。 ルディが街を散策していると、子どもが攫われている現場に出くわしてしまう。そこにはルディのよく知る人物が関わっていて…
https://t.co/zsiu1LQ6xy https://t.co/IPjY5D8Zfr

There’s a total of 5 images on the official site! Episode 16 of Mushoku Tensei will premiere next Sunday on November 31 (and the preview shows Rudy with a risky choice of clothing, as well as some worried expressions on their faces). There’s also a preview video available:

10/31(日)放送『#無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~』第16話「親子げんか」#杉田智和 さん演じる前世の男によるナレーションの次回予告を解禁!
https://t.co/9gSJero0YF https://t.co/CgZtUeofXx

It’s titled “Family Squabble”. If you enjoy the episode, you will be able to vote for it as the best of the week on our weekly poll. It ranked 3rd in the first week of Fall, rising to the 1st place for week and week 3. The results for week 4 will be revealed in a few hours, and you’ll be able to vote for week 5 afterwards.

Meanwhile, Funimation streams the anime, and they describe the story:

When a 34-year-old underachiever irun over by a bus, his story doesn’t end there. Reincarnated in a new world as an infant, Rudy will seize every opportunity to live the life he always wanted. Armed with new friends, some freshly acquired magical abilities, and the courage to do the things he’s always dreamed of, he’s embarking on an epic adventure—with all of his past experience intact!

Source: Official Twitter
Mushoku Tensei website: mushokutensei.jp
©Rifujinnamagonote/MF Books/”Mushoku Tensei” Production Committee

Mushoku Tensei Episode 16 Preview Released
Source: Cebu Otaku

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