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My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission Debuts at #2 in US Theaters

My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission debuted at #2 in the United States on Friday, according to Box Office Mojo, second only to Dune. The third movie of the My Hero Academia series earned a total of $2.8 million on the first day, which was more than what it earned in the first 10 days in Japan.

World Heroes’ Mission is the most successful of the My Hero Academia movies so far. The last movie, Heroes Rising, managed to make a little less in its US debut with $2.5 million. And the first movie, Two Heroes, made close to $1.4 million all of opening weekend in both US and Canada.

Funimation previously announced plans to screen World Heroes’ Mission in US theaters. Fans who went to see the movie also received a 76-page booklet that was full of character designs, movie info, special manga panels, and even some movie spoilers. For any viewers that haven’t seen the movie yet, make sure to not look in the booklet until after the movie.

The director of the previous two My Hero Academia movies, Kenji Nagasaki, returned for World Heroes’ Mission as well under studio BONES. Other returning staff members include Yousuke Kuroda (scriptwriter), Yoshihiko Umakoshi (character designer), and Yuki Hayashi (composer).

Horikoshi’s Thoughts on The Movie

When World Heroes’ Mission debuted in Japan back in August, creator Kouhei Horikoshi praised the movie and even mentioned crying at one point while giving praise to the new original character, Rody.

“I watched the film. I was moved to tears of gratitude as a viewer,” said Horikoshi. “It was really fun! I’m purely grateful for the people involved [in the film] such as director NagasakiRody was cooler than I had imagined! I wish he could appear in the main story. I wish so.” (translation by @BlackDragonSP)

映画観ました。一観客として感涙いたしました。めっちゃ面白かったです!長崎監督をはじめ、携わっていただいた方々にただ感謝です。ロディが想像を超えてかっこよかったです!本編に出ないかな。出てほしい。 https://t.co/FY28PjDAq0

The rise and success of My Hero Academia in the US has been incredible to watch. Not only the films, anime, and merchandise, but the manga as well. The My Hero Academia manga is the only one to reach the New York Times Bestseller List every single month in 2021 so far. Dating back to January of 2020, the manga reached the best-selling charts every single month except in June. And for this October, the series has two volumes (Vol. 1 and Vol. 29) on the bestseller list.

And with a Season 6 on the way, My Hero Academia fans have a lot more to look forward to. For more details on Season 6 and the upcoming season’s trailer, read here.

World Heroes’ Mission Synopsis

When a sinister organization threatens to wipe out all superhuman powers, the fate of the world is on the line. With two hours until the collapse of civilization, Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki manage to work as a team, but there’s still one problem. Deku’s on the run for murder. (Source: Funimation)

©2021「僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE」製作委員会

My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission Debuts at #2 in US Theaters
Source: Cebu Otaku

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