Dr. Stone is an anime that revolves around Senkuu Ishigami, a young scientific genius who plans to rebuild human civilization. Many shounen and science geek fans have fallen in love with this anime as not only do they enjoy it, but they are also able to enhance their passion for Science! This real-world scientific anime shows you all kinds of mind-blowing situations you can solve with Science.
Following this, two of the anime consultant’s books titled Arienai Rika (Impossible Science) from Yakuri Kyо̄shitsu were banned from Amazon Japan as it was deemed ‘Harmful’ as announced by Nijimen and Anime News Network.
Source: Dr. Stone Chapter 206
Dr. Stone Consultant’s Book
Yakuri Kyо̄shitsu’s the name of a science writer and consultant from the famous anime Dr. Stone. Two of them are part of the non-fiction series Arienai Rika (Impossible Science); having a successful novel series and earning a gig out of the anime, Amazon Japan banned two books from the series.
This includes the e-book versions, as they are still inaccessible via Amazon. Following the laws from the Tottori Prefecture, they delisted the books and responded with the book being “harmful to youth”. Therefore, they banned all book sales, preventing anything from being delivered unlawfully to Tottori.
Sansai Books (the seller selling the book) wanted to relist Arienai Medical Encyclopedia back on Amazon, but if they did, they had to file them as adult books for 18+ buyers. Although the book contained no adult content, Amazon Japan and the Publisher could not come to terms.
When Amazon Japan refused to relist the book, Sansai Books proceeded to contact the Tottori prefectural government to ask which part of the books were designated “harmful” to buyers but are still yet to receive a clear response from Tottori. Although there is an official website to sell the books, the publisher has shared that most of its sales have come from Amazon.
With Sansai Books not coming to terms with Amazon Japan and the Tottori prefectural, there is a low chance of Amazon restocking Arienai Medical Encyclopedia anytime soon.
As posted by the Offical Radio Life Twitter page, the “Arienai Medical Encyclopedia” is a science group led by Dr. Kurare, the science supervisor of “Dr. STONE’. The book’s contents introduced the dark history of medicine from around the lines of “Drinking cola will melt your bones’ Not only that, but it also shows how insulin is made from picric acid and acetone. A book that focuses on chemistry and biology.
Do you agree with what Amazon Japan did to protect the ‘youth’ from harm?
And do you think that the Arienai Medical Encyclopedia books should be relisted? Let us know in the comments!
The post Dr. Stone Consultant’s Book Banned From Amazon For Being “Harmful” appeared first on Anime Time.