We already know there is a lot of Different Types of Anime Figure in the Market. Most of them are From Anime. Some Figures are Official and Some are Unofficial Products. Beside Anime Figure Nowadays the Companys Making Cosplayer or Artists Based Figure. Following that one of the known cosplayers and Artists Biya got One of Her Works into Figure (Yuna-chan).

You Can Pre Order the Product on the Official Website of the Studio Here: Link or Union Creative.

The illustration of “Yuna-chan” was Originally Done By Biya. Union Creative is a known Figure Making Studio Turn the Art into Real life Figure.
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Yuna-chan Product Details
The original character “Yuna-chan” from the popular illustrator Biya has been made into a three-dimensional figure! The rugged texture of the hoodie and the softness of the woman’s body have all been taken into account! Please enjoy the cute Yuna-chan with a model-like style!
Product name: Biya illustration “Yuna-chan”.
Scheduled release date: January 2024.
price: 21,780 yen (tax included)
Preorder Period: May 2, 2023, 11:00:00 to June 20, 2023, 23:59:59
Size: Height 26cm.
Where to Buy?
You Can Pre Order the Product on the Official Website of the Studio Here: Link or Union Creative. Preorder Period: May 2, 2023, 11:00:00 to June 20, 2023, 23:59:59

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Who is Biya?
Biya is a Cosplayer and Artist Known for Doing Different Anime Cosplays. She is Famous On Twitter with over 1Million Followers and on Instagram for Her Cosplay and Art. Some of her Cosplay went Viral on Social Media Many times. Below few of her Cosplay Work:

What is Cosplay?
Cosplay is a performance art in which individuals, called cosplayers, dress up in costumes and accessories to represent a specific character from a book, movie, anime, manga, video game, or any other popular culture or fictional work. Cosplayers often attend conventions, events, or photoshoots to showcase their costumes and embody the characters they are portraying.
Cosplay involves creating and wearing costumes, wigs, makeup, and props that replicate the look and style of the character being cosplayed. Cosplayers may also engage in role-playing or acting to bring their characters to life. Cosplay can be a fun and creative way to express one’s fandom, connect with like-minded individuals, and showcase their artistic and technical skills.
There are many online communities and resources available for those interested in cosplay, including tutorials, forums, and social media groups. Cosplay is a diverse and inclusive hobby, and people of all backgrounds and skill levels are welcome to participate.
Note: We are not connected in any way with the product company.
Source: Twitter
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