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Japanese Novel Author Deleted His Account Novel Site At the Anger of His Wife

An author closed his account on a novel website after being urged by his wife to do so, leading to a recent incident on the Japanese internet. The author informed his followers through his Twitter profile that he would be deleting his Narou account because of his Angry Wife.

Japanese Novel Author Deleted His Account Novel Site At the Anger of His Wife

Read More: A Man Becomes His Dream Waifu and Post Went Viral in Japan

On May 8th, Wasanbong posted a thread on his Twitter account explaining his decision to delete his Narou account and the reasons behind it. He reveals that he has been writing internet novels since 2019 and is married with a child who was born with autism.

According to Wasanbong, his wife has been struggling with her difficult personality and complicated family situation, leading her to feel exhausted. When he told her that he was writing internet novels while taking care of their son, she didn’t approve of it.

Deleted his Account:

His wife expressed that she couldn’t forgive him for continuing to enjoy his hobbies while she had given up everything to take care of their child and suppress her own desires. Wasanbong had no choice but to agree to her demand to delete his account in order to calm her down.

As a result, he has suspended his writing activities and will only resume with his wife’s permission. He is allowed to finish a project for Kindle that he is working on with other authors, but other than that, he doesn’t know when he will be able to write again. He apologizes to all his fans for not getting his wife’s permission and for any inconvenience caused. His Twitter Post Went Viral in Japan with over a 48Million+ Views On Twitter.

Source: Twitter

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