The anime adaptation of the Wakame Konbu’s The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious manga is set to air in July this year. A teaser trailer, as well as a visual, have been revealed. The main cast includes Saori Hayami as Yuri and Rie Takahashi as Lilith.
Mirai Minato is directing the series while also writing the scripts. Machi Yoshino is designing the characters, while Koji Fujimoto and Sasaki Osamu will work on the music composition. The series is animated by animation studios SILVER LINK and BLADE.
As part of the announcement, the author Konbu posted an illustration of the main character Lilith:
It’s a great feeling to know that this story, which started as a Twitter post, will now be made into an anime! It’s all thanks to you, our readers, who have been supporting us! Thank you for everything! I’m looking forward to seeing Lilith and the boys move and talk! I’ll continue to work hard on the original!
Statement from Wakame Konbu (via official website, ACN edit)
The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious started out as a webcomic in 2019, before beginning serialization in Square Enix’s Monthly Gangan Joker magazine in January 2020. Yen Press has licensed the manga in English and describes the plot as:
There’s something really strange about the maid I just hired! No normal person could be so beautiful, or cook such amazingly delicious food, or know exactly what I want before I even ask. She must be using magic—right, a spell is the only thing that can explain why my chest feels so tight whenever I look at her. I swear, I’m going to get to the bottom of what makes this maid so…mysterious!
Source: Official Website
©Wakame Kombu / SQUARE ENIX, “The Maid I Hired Recently Is Suspicious” Production Committee
The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious Anime Adaptation Set for July 2022
Source: Cebu Otaku